June 1, 2023

2nd Annual Our Lady of Consolation Parish GalaOctober 21, 2023 SPONSORSHIPS ARE NOW AVAILABLE!DEADLINE: JUNE 30SEATING IS LIMITED! ORDER NOW!…
May 30, 2023

All graduating high school seniors and their families are invited to join us this Sunday, June 4, at the 11:00…
April 26, 2023
May Crowning Baptism Class Saturday, May 6 | 10:00 AM Please call Elise in the Parish Office to register: (616)866-0931 Knight of Columbus Yard Sale Saturday, May 6 | 9:00 AM Join us on Saturday, May 6th starting at 9:00 AM. Please bring donations to the Kateri…
April 14, 2023

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAYSunday, April 16, 2023 Join us at 3:00 PM in the church as we pray the Novena…
April 12, 2023

New Member Orientation Pantry Needs: Canned Fruit (low-sugar) Pasta Noodles Oatmeal Shampoo/Conditioner NKC Needs Your Support! 227…
April 3, 2023

Click the image to enlarge and download Other Event Cancellations: Lenten Rosary and Mary's Way of the Cross (Tuesday, April…
March 28, 2023

Holy Week Liturgy and Events Please note: All Easter Masses will have incense Parking will be limited for Easter liturgies-…
March 27, 2023
There will be NO MASS OR RECONCILIATION on TUESDAY, MARCH 28. Father Dominic will be at the Cathedral as youth from OLC will be making their Sacrament of Confirmation. Please keep the Confirmation Candidates in your prayers! ]]>