As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10
After months of construction work, our Church Building Envelope Project is coming to an end. Thirty-seven years of extreme Florida weather conditions and the normal deterioration that structures undergo have taken their toll on our parish home. As discussed at our town hall meeting, we secured a loan from the Diocese of Orlando project, which allowed us to move quickly to address critical repair needs. Now it’s time to embark on the Honoring our Past, Envisioning our Future capital campaign.
This capital campaign will provide the funds we urgently needed for a new roof and various repairs necessary to preserve the structural integrity of both the interior and exterior of our church building. Doing the necessary repairs and improvements to our building will allow us to provide a secure and beautiful setting to gather in worship and community as the Body of Christ in Winter Springs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Why do we need this campaign?
Thirty-seven years of extreme Florida weather conditions and the normal deterioration that structures undergo have taken their toll on our parish home. This capital campaign will provide the funds urgently needed for a new roof and various repairs needed to preserve the structural integrity of both the interior and exterior of our church building. Doing the necessary repairs and improvements to our building will allow us to provide a secure and beautiful setting to gather in worship and community as the Body of Christ in Winter Springs.
What projects will this campaign support?
Our primary goal of this project is to install a new roof. Additionally, we look forward to the much-needed repairs to the exterior structure, doors and skylights that will make our church more weather resistant, energy efficient, and comfortable. Our beautiful stained-glass windows will be enhanced, both in appearance and function, by placing them in newly constructed frames, or “store fronts”. Of special note, new entrance doors will welcome our parishioners and visitors upon arrival at St. Stephen. Water damage on our interior ceiling will be repaired, and fresh paint along with various cosmetic adjustments will beautify our space, enhancing our liturgical experience.
What is the goal of the campaign?
Our goal is $2.6 million with a stretch goal of $3 million.
Why do we have a stretch goal?
Our projected costs fall within a range. We need to raise a minimum of $2.6 million to significantly fund our loan repayment. However, if we can raise $3 million, we will be able to fund the project and maintain the prudent reserves all households need to keep on hand.
Who will be asked to participate in the campaign?
Every registered family in our parish will be asked to contribute and prayerfully consider what their gift will be.
Will any portion be given to the diocese?
No. All gifts made to the capital campaign will specifically fund this project.
Why is my participation important?
Because our church is our home, and our home is in need of serious repair. Since this is a community, communal support is needed. We are asking every family to give to the campaign. Only you know your circumstances and can determine what level of giving is most appropriate for you and your family. Please be assured however, that your gift will make a significant difference, no matter the amount
Can I just increase my offertory every week as my contribution to the campaign?
The best way for us to know what funds you are designating for the campaign is for your family to fill out a pledge card or in-pew envelope and turn it in (either by the offertory boxes or drop off or mail to the Parish Office). There is a section on the pledge card and in-pew envelope to specify how you would like to be reminded of your commitment. You will receive reminders and a self-addressed envelope to your home address corresponding to what you elected on your pledge card/envelope (ex: monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.)
How long is the pledge period?
The pledge period is for three years. The Diocese of Orlando will manage the pledges for our campaign. You will be able to choose the frequency of the payments on your pledge card and the method in which you wish to pay them.
How can I pay my pledge?
There are multiple ways to give to the campaign.
- Online with a Credit/Debit Card – Visit: https://cfocf.org/st-stephen-envision/
- One-time Gifts and Pledges – Gifts can be given via cash, credit/debit card or check.
- Gifts of Appreciated Securities* – We will gladly accept gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds which may provide special tax advantages.
- Gifts from Retirement Accounts* or Donor Advised Funds**
- Gifts of Property, Life Insurance, Annuities, Wills or Bequests*** – Families or individuals can support the endowment for long-term maintenance.
- Corporate Matching Gifts – Opportunities may be available for charitable contributions to be matched by employers for employees, retirees, or board members.
*For any gifts made via stock, appreciated security, or retirement account, please email stockgifts@orlandodiocese.org or call (407) 246-7186 to identify the incoming stock/check to ensure it is attributed to the selected campaign or split according to your wishes.
** For more information or help with planned gifts or Catholic-compliant Donor Advised Funds, please contact the Catholic Foundation at (407) 246-7177 or donorservices@cfocf.org.
Because each situation is unique, we urge you to discuss stock, appreciated securities, annuities, property, or other valuables donations with a financial advisor.
Are my payments to the campaign tax-deductible?
As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, gifts to St. Stephen Catholic Church are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. A receipt of your total payment of $250 or more (within one calendar year-as required by the IRS) will be provided to you for income tax purposes each January. Parishioners with specific questions are encouraged to contact their attorney, accountant, or tax preparer.
Where may I receive additional information or assistance?
Please contact Janet McMahon at the parish office at (407) 699-5683 or info@st-stephen.com.
Thank you to everyone who has attended one of the events to learn more about Honoring our Past, Envisioning our Future. If you haven’t been able to meet with us in person, hopefully you have had a chance to review the contents of the personalized packet that was mailed to your home. We are available to respond to any questions you may have.
We very much appreciate everyone who has made a pledge to support this project. It takes all of us working together to make this parish flourish and we are blessed by your involvement and generosity.