Parish & Community Updates

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Parish & Community Updates

Home / Eva Feed Item / Parish & Community Updates

New Member Orientation


Pantry Needs:

  • Canned Fruit (low-sugar)
  • Pasta Noodles
  • Oatmeal
  • Shampoo/Conditioner

NKC Needs Your Support!

  • 227 new households registered to use our services since July.
  • 40% increase in families using the pantry in January 2023 vs. January 2022.
  • 750 households scheduled tax appointments for tax appointments.
  • Families lost $95 worth of monthly SNAP benefits this month, yet grocery costs continue to escalate.
  • 20 calls a week from working families needing housing/utilities assistance.

Consolata Missionary Sister Guild Meeting

Tuesday, April 18th | 6:30 PM
Center House | 6801 Belmont Ave

This meeting will be our spring social and recognition of Presidents. Please everyone attending bring food. If you have any questions please contact Theresa Teneyck 616-450-0957 or email at


Tuesday, April 25 | 1:00-7:00 PM
at Kateri Lodge


Rosary Rally

Saturday, April 15 | 9:30 AM at Cathedral Square


Return Your Rice Bowls!

Please return your Lenten Rice Bowls as soon as possible! You can drop them off in the parish office or set them in the basket by the fireplace in the Narthex.


Hearts & Holly Bazaar


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