Parish & Community Updates

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Parish & Community Updates

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May Crowning


Baptism Class

Saturday, May 6 | 10:00 AM

Please call Elise in the Parish Office to register: (616)866-0931


Knight of Columbus Yard Sale

Saturday, May 6 | 9:00 AM

Join us on Saturday, May 6th starting at 9:00 AM.

Please bring donations to the Kateri Lodge parking lot as early as 12:00 PM on Friday, May 5. We do not accept TVs or PC monitors, clothing, or mattresses.



Silver and Bronze Sponsorships still available.

Register for a 4-person Scramble now!

Payment and team members due by May 5.


Catholic Man Night


To date 271 families, representing 19% of our parish households, have contributed $185,662 or 111% of our parish goal.

Please keep in mind that any amount raised over our goal is returned 100% to the parish.


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