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UPDATE: We will not have morning Mass on Friday, October 11. The parish does not currently have power and debris is blocking the roadways. We will re-open the parish office when the power is restored and debris is cleared.

Due to the approaching hurricane, our parish office will close on Tuesday, October 8, at 12:00pm Noon, and will remain closed on Wednesday, October 9, and Thursday, October 10.

We will not have morning 7:00am Mass on Wednesday and Thursday. Exposition & Adoration on Tuesday is likewise cancelled.

Please stay safe and keep everyone in your prayers.

Due to the ongoing work of our church building envelope project, we will be moving Saturday Vigil (evening) and Sunday (morning) Masses to EC-1 beginning October 5 through October 20. To help accommodate enough space for parishioners, we are adding a 12:45 pm Mass on Sundays during this period of time.

Weekday Masses will be celebrated in EC-1 starting October 2. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, on Tuesdays and October 4 (First Friday), will also be held in EC-1 at the usual times.

Masses will not be livestreamed during this time.

Thank you for your patience as we make different moves and adjustments to better the progress of our church envelope project.

Due to the approaching hurricane in the Gulf Coast, our parish office will be closed on Thursday, September 26. All events and activities, with the exception of morning Mass, are cancelled for Thursday.

As a precaution, Faith Formation classes and Music rehearsal are cancelled for Wednesday evening.

We will be evaluating the weather situation to determine if we will remain open on Friday. Please be safe and keep those affected in your prayers!

Wow, St. Stephen has wonderful parishioners! You responded overwhelmingly to the Blood Drive on September 8 by donating 14 units of blood. Because of your generous giving, we are able to save 42 lives. Thank you for all you do to make St. Stephen a vibrant parish community.

Florida has an informed consent statute specific to abortion, commonly referred to as the “Woman’s Right to Know” Act. This law requires the physician to inform the patient of the nature and risks of undergoing or not undergoing the abortion procedure, the probable gestational age of the fetus, verified by an ultrasound, and the medical risks to the woman and fetus of carrying the pregnancy to term.

The proposed Amendment 4 to appear on the November ballot fails to disclose to voters that the 24-hour waiting requirement and other protections in the Woman’s Right to Know Act would likely be eliminated by the amendment if enacted. This is dangerous to the health of pregnant women.

For more information, please visit www.VoteNoOn4Florida.com.

Thank you to all who attended our Ministry Fair on Sunday, September 18. A special thanks to our volunteer parishioners who helped set up, serve coffee and donuts, and represent their ministry at the Fair! We had many individuals, couples, and families visit and learn about the many different ways of being active in the parish community.

If you missed attending the Ministry Fair, no worries! You can always contact our parish office if you are interested in joining a particular ministry or in helping out with any of our year-round parish events. Give us a call at: 407-699-5683.

Our annual parish Ministry Fair is almost here! We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 15, in the EC-II Gym. Enjoy coffee and donuts while visiting the fair after the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses. All ministries and groups will be represented with information about all that is offered at our parish.

The proposed Amendment 4 in Florida would effectively overturn or seriously jeopardize common-sense state laws that have regulated abortion for years including:

  • Basic health and safety requirements for clinics where abortions are performed
  • Requiring a physician to perform abortions
  • Informed consent requirements
  • Laws limiting public funding of abortion
  • Parental consent requirements before a minor’s abortion

For more information, visit www.VoteNoOn4Florida.com.

All women of the parish are encouraged to come join the SSCCW, St. Stephen Council of
Catholic Women ministry. Women in SSCCW work through Spirituality, Service and
Leadership to provide programs that respond with Gospel values to the needs of the
Church and society in the modern world. Membership is $20 annually.

This year our theme is: “Serve wholeheartedly, as if serving the Lord” (Ephesians 6:7).

Our first meeting of the year will be on Thursday, September 12, from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in EC-1. The topic will be “Mary and Martha, Sisters Serving”. You do not have to be a member to attend any of our meetings, however we pray you will. Please visit us at the table out in the courtyard for more information and to sign up.

Council of Catholic Women also presents: “Visions of Mary” by Toya Martin.

Two Presentations in one!
The first part focuses on Mary, the Mother of Jesus, providing personal information about
her life. The second part highlights various instances where Mary has appeared to the
people of the world.

Saturday, September 28
Tickets are $5 (Cash or check only)
From 9:00am – 11:30am, a light breakfast will be served.
Tickets will be on sale in the courtyard after Mass on:
Aug. 24/25, 31, & Sept. 7/8, 14/15 21/22

Tickets also on sale at Eventbrite.com (Search: Visions of Mary)