This year, parishioners are invited to bring in their own palms to be distributed and used in the celebration of Palm Sunday, March 23/24. Not only collecting palms from our local surrounding more economically beneficial, but it also brings us closer to the scene of Jesus’ own entry into Jerusalem, where the crowds picked nearby palms and used them to welcome their King. We will begin collecting palms Saturday, March 16, at the 5pm Mass, through Wednesday, March 20.
Please follow these guidelines for brining your palms:
- One family can provide one palm stalk, although they can bring 2 or 3 if they wish.
- Be sure that the palms are pure green and have no dead spots. We do not want to use browning or yellowing palms!
- Hose and wipe down the palms beforehand to remove any dirt or bugs. Please check twice for bugs!
- There will be water containers outside the church March 16-20 for you to drop off your palms.
We are also asking for volunteers to help cut palms on Friday, March 22 at 1:00 PM in the courtyard. Please bring a pair of utility scissors and gloves!
We hope that this will be a new, ongoing tradition in our St. Stephen community every Palm Sunday.