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Now is the time to start cleaning out your closets!

Our parish Flea Market will be held Friday, January 31, through Sunday, February 2, 2025 in EC-1. We will be accepting donations from January 4 through January 26 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in EC-II.

Set-up volunteers are needed on January 4 – January 26 from 9:00 am to mid-afternoon.

WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCEPT: Furniture, electronics, CDs, DVDs, records, books (we will accept infant/kids books & DVDs), office/stationary items, large appliances, mattresses, large exercise equipment, large outdoor holiday items, Christmas lights, Christmas trees over 6 feet, infant car seats, party/craft/sewing supplies, food, window treatments, chandeliers, and ceiling fans.

Come and join our community in our liturgical celebrations during the Advent and Christmas seasons!

Please also note that our parish office will be closed from December 24 through January 1.

Our Society of St. Vincent de Paul continues the spirit of St. Nicholas at St. Stephen! Last Christmas, over 75 families with children in our neighborhood schools received gifts or gift cards from our Giving Tree program.

Like last year, we ask you to take a star from one of the giving trees in the Narthex, starting November 27 through December 8. Shop for a specified gift, and return with your unwrapped gift (or gift card) no later than Sunday, December 8. Please help us make Christmas merrier for those children who may otherwise not receive any gifts. There is still time to give.

Please remember that our Giving Tree is only one of the ways in which the Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps your neighbors in need—all of this can be done through your generosity this Christmas!

On Sunday, December 8, after the 9am and 11am Masses, join us for two events: Pancakes with St. Nicholas, and a Walk through Bethlehem!

Our Youth Group Fundraiser will be hosting “Pancakes with St. Nicholas” in EC-1. A few tickets are still available for purchase. Contact lauried@st-stephen.com to buy a breakfast seat with St. Nicholas!

Stop by the EC-2 Gym after Mass to experience a walk through Bethlehem. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds, and people of Bethlehem in the spirit of Advent and Christmas!

We invite you on Sunday, November 24, to come and be a part of our 100 Hearts for the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus! We will begin at 3 PM in the church with Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by a Eucharistic Procession around our church at 3:30 PM. Our time of prayer and worship will conclude with Benediction.

This is a great opportunity to join in communal prayer as we come to the end of the liturgical year and prepare our hearts for Advent. Let’s reach the goal of having 100 hearts present to adore the Lord!

We had another successful and fun-filled Harvest Happenings on Friday, November 8, with our parish community! People came to gather outside the church courtyard, beginning with the blessing of Father George, the presentation of the Oviedo High School JROTC team, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem sung by our parish choir.

Throughout the evening, delicious food was served along with drinks from our Knights of Columbus and yummy treats through the Council of Catholic Women. Our DJ played a lot of classic and fun songs enjoyed by all ages! Kids played different ball games and other activities, including children’s bingo. And the highlight again was our tractor hayride, bringing people of all ages on a fun drive on campus. Father George even took the tractor for a spin during part of the evening!

Thank you to all who came out to enjoy a lovely evening together. And a BIG THANK YOU to all our volunteers who helped plan, set up, and run the many roles needed for the event, and for helping take down afterwards. Your service to our parish community is greatly appreciated!

On the weekend of November 16 & 17, we will be taking a special collection for Catholic Charities of Central Florida. Your generous giving will help to support organizations and ministries in our diocese that serve the people in Central Florida. Please watch the video below to hear some of those stories of service and charity.

You can give online by clicking the button below, or you can bring your contribution with you to Mass on November 16 or 17. Please place your donation in the special collection or visitor’s envelope so we can make sure your money goes to Catholic Charities of Central Florida. You can drop your envelope in the wooden collection boxes in the Narthex.

We are starting up a new feature to be included regularly in our bulletins called “Ask Father George!” Parishioners are invited to ask Fr. George Nursey any questions about the Catholic faith—pastoral, theological, spiritual. We will publish Fr. George’s answers in the bulletin.

Wow, St. Stephen has wonderful parishioners! You responded overwhelmingly to the Blood Drive on September 8 by donating 14 units of blood. Because of your generous giving, we are able to save 42 lives. Thank you for all you do to make St. Stephen a vibrant parish community.