Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers / Greeters)

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Saint Paul instructed the assembled community to welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, to the glory of God (Romans 15:7). It will normally be appropriate for those commonly referred to as ushers to exercise this ministry of welcome by greeting people at the door, making sure they are provided with all the necessary books and aids, and helping them find their places. The people are assembling to share in a supper as brothers and sisters. They will appreciate this more readily if they are made welcome by representatives of the community and acknowledged informally by their neighbors.

In addition to greeting, a Minister of Hospitality also assists in the taking up of the collection, assisting in the orderly flow during Communion, handing out bulletins and resetting the church at the end of Mass. They may also be called upon to assist in emergency situations or when members of the assembly need assistance.

As this ministry is rooted in our Baptismal calling, those who wish to undertake this ministry should be fully initiated, active members of the parish. They should be of sufficient age and temperament to undertake this ministry with grace, respect, and discretion. They should be seen, experienced, and witnessed as a ministry of care to the assembly.

They must complete and keep current on the Diocesan Safe Environment Certification, be fingerprinted/go through a background check and commit to on-going training, spiritual enrichment, and catechetical formation.

Time commitment:
          1 – one-hour initial training session
          2 – one-hour on-going formation sessions per year
          Serves at least 2 Masses per month

For more information, contact Phillip Revekant at: or (407) 699-5683, ext. 250, or contact Andrew Morales at: or (407) 699-5683, ext. 223