Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound

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Ministers of Holy Communion may receive additional training to bring the Body and Blood of Christ to those individuals who, by illness or hospitalization, are separated from the community and cannot regularly attend Mass. Those who wish to serve may either perform regular home visits to shut-ins, or regularly visit the sick in nursing homes, physical rehab facilities, or hospitals.

They must fulfill all the requirements to become a mandated Minister of Holy Communion as well as attend further training to participate in the Ministry to the Sick and Homebound.

In addition to Safe Environment Certification, our ministers must also be fingerprinted/go through a background check and commit to on-going training, spiritual enrichment, and catechetical formation.

Time commitment:
          2 – four-hour Diocesan Training
          4 – one-hour on-going formation sessions per year
          Makes home or facility visits 1 – 2 times per month

For more information, contact Phillip Revekant at: or (407) 699-5683, ext. 250,

or contact Andrew Morales at: or (407) 699-5683, ext. 223