The ministry of the Live Stream Operators, Sound Board Operators, and PowerPoint Operators assist the assembly gathered in person or around the world in that “fully conscious and active and participation which is demanded by the very nature of liturgy” (Sacrosanctam Concilium 14). They may help ensure that the sounds in the church are balanced, set up the live stream of our 9:00 am Mass, or run our PowerPoints before and during Mass for the congregation to read and follow when needed.
Knowledge of sound systems and video equipment is helpful, but not necessary – we will provide training.
Time Commitment
Serve for 1-2 Masses per month with 30 minutes prior to set up, and 15 minutes after to put things away.
For more information, contact Phillip Revekant at: or (407) 699-5683,
ext. 250, or contact Andrew Morales at: or (407) 699-5683, ext. 223