Altar servers represent a long liturgical tradition of providing service in the Sanctuary. These servers enhance the quality of the celebration for the whole assembly by giving the priest freedom of movement, ensuring all the requisites for the celebration are available at the appropriate moments and by taking part in the processions (General Instruction of the Roman Missal 68). Servers may be called upon to hold the book for the priest. They may carry cross or candles or be responsible for incense or other duties as needed.
Adult altar servers are to be fully initiated, active members of the parish. They must have no impediment to receiving Holy Communion and be participating in the sacramental life of the Church. They must complete and keep current on the Diocesan Safe Environment Certification (and, if working with children or youth, be fingerprinted/go through a background check). They are to commit to on-going training, spiritual enrichment, and catechetical formation.
Youth altar servers are to have been baptized, made their First Holy Communion, (and be Confirmed if they are of appropriate age). They should be regularly attending Mass and be involved in our Faith Formation program. They should have sufficient maturity and temperament to serve in this ministry.
Time commitment (Youth or Adult):
1 – one-hour initial training session
1 – one-hour on-going formation session per year
Serves at 1-2 Masses per month
For more information, contact Deacon Jim Ferruzzi at: