In this message:

March 14

March 14

March 16

March 22

March 23

Special Updates:

Parenting Series

The Light Is On For You

Rosary Rally

Fish Fry

Annual Way of the Cross

Summer Childcare

CSA Update

We are over halfway through Lent! A separate message containing Holy Week, Triduum, and Easter information will be sent out soon. Please keep your eye out for that information as it contains important Mass updates, cancellations, and other events!


Tomorrow is an additional reconciliation opportunity called The Light Is ON For You! Both priests (Father Dom and Father Danny) are available to hear confessions. Signs will be available to help direct you.

We encourage you to join us in the Church before/after confession. Please see the image above to learn more about the Parenting Series: Technology & Our Children


Rosary at Cathedral Square

Saturday, March 16 | 9:30 AM

KEPHA’s monthly rosary is this Saturday at Cathedral Square! You are invited to pray as we seek Our Lady’s intercession for the many needs of our nation.


Friday, March 22 | 5-7 PM
Holy Family Center

Please join us after dinner for Stations of the Cross!



Gluten Free Fried Walleye

Gluten Free French Fries


Green Beans


Dinner Roll

and a desert

$15/Adults | $7/Kids | Takeout is available


Email Mike for more information:


Summer Childcare Registration Is NOW open

Hello! We are happy to announce summer childcare for 2024!

If you are in need please use the attached form to register. Registration fee can be paid by check or billed in School Admin. 

Daycare will run June 10-Aug 9th. 7:30am-5:30pm. Closed the week of July 1-5th.

$60 for 5+ hours / $40 under 5 hours. You are responsible for payment of all reserved care days, regardless of use.

Registration Fee $100 due by April 20th.


CSA Update


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