Exposition & Benediction

Mondays | 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

All are invited to Exposition and Benediction beginning at 6:30 PM on Monday evenings. Fr Danny will lead us in a talk of the importance of the Eucharist and will offer a time for silent prayer.


2023 Directory Update

Tuesday, June 20

The new 2023 Our Lady of Consolation Rockford Parish Directory will be ready for publishing this September.

Please contact the Parish Office at (616)866-0931 to update your information (address, phone number, etc.)!

Anyone interested in placing an advertisement for their business, or a personal message in support of our new directory should contact Jake Allport at 248-545-4330 or jallport@cathedraldirectories.com.  A business card can be used in creating a new ad. Many times, members have small businesses and other members aren’t aware, but would love to support them.  Also, advertisers do not need to be members of our church, so feel free to pass this information along to others.


Parish Gala Tickets & Award


Seating is limited! Secure your spot with the button below!


Discipleship Award Nomination

The Discipleship Award will be given to someone in our parish community who regularly and selflessly gives of their time and talent, lives a Christ-centered life, and invites others to share in a relationship with Christ.

More than one nomination is allowed. The award will be presented at our Parish Gala on Saturday, October 21.




Rosary for Our Nation

Saturday, July 15 | 9:30 AM

All are welcome to join the Men of Kepha and the Building a Legacy Catholic Men’s Conference to pray a Rosary for Our Nation this Saturday July 15th 9:30 AM St Andrews Cathedral.


Altar Server Training

Wednesday, August 30
10:00 AM OR 6:30 PM

Are you interested in becoming an Altar Server? Answer God’s call and join us for Altar Server Training on Wednesday, August 30! Anyone 4th grade and up is encouraged to attend. Any Altar Servers who need a refresher are welcome to join. Contact Stephanie Vyn for more information altarserving@olcparish.net


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