Parish & Community Updates

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Parish & Community Updates

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Parish Mission

March 5 & 6 | 3:00-4:30 PM in the Church


Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study

Friday, March 3 | 10:00 AM

Join us as we begin a new study on March 3 at 10am in the Guadalupe Room. Our book, THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW, by Ignatius Press, with Introduction, Commentary, and Notes by Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, includes scriptures, with historical and theological notes, commentary, tools for study, and discussion questions. We are ensured a rewarding and penetrating study of Matthew’s Gospel. Books are available at the first meeting. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Questions? Contact Jean Hessler at 616-866-2392.


Baptism Class

Saturday, March 4 | 10:00 AM

Elizabeth Ann Seton Room

All new parents who wish to have their child baptized must attend a baptism class. Please contact Elise in the Parish office to register:

(616) 866-0931


Communion Minister Training

Saturday, March 11 | 2:00 PM

All those interested in becoming a communion minister at Mass or to the homebound should plan on attending our training session on Saturday, March 11 at 2-3:30 PM here in the church at OLC. No registration is required, but ministers should be at least 16 years old and confirmed.  Communion ministers should also be in good standing in the Church and, if married, be in a Church sanctioned marriage. Please refer questions to Deacon Jim at


Parenting Series
Protect Young Eyes


Lost and FOUND

Have you lost anything in the last few months? Check at OLC! We have several FOUND items at the Parish Pickup Table located across the Adoration Chapel.

A garage door opener has been found and has been awaiting its owner since November. Please contact the parish office if you believe this is yours.


Next week, we begin our annual Catholic Services Appeal. Your support of CSA benefits both parish and diocesan ministries, including formation of our future priests, the ongoing education of teachers and faith formation staff, proclaiming Christ’s message through the media, evangelizing our youth, and aiding members of our community struggling with family issues, hunger, and homelessness.

Please prayerfully consider how sharing your gifts will benefit many – in our parish and beyond. Learn more at


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