Upcoming Mass Cancellations

Monday, September 18 | NO 12:00 PM MASS

(No Theology Series on September 18)

Saturday, September 23 | NO 9:00 AM MASS



2023 OLC Gala Updates:

-No cash bar. ALL drinks included

-Entrée Choice Includes: Salmon, Braised Beef or Stuffed Acorn Squash

-Doors & Bar Open at 6pm; “Live Jazz Trio” From 6-7pm

-Formal wear (If you wish); Business Attire (If it suits you better)

-Variety of music for ALL ages

-New & Unique “Live Auction Items”

-Various guest emcees throughout the evening

-Night of fellowship & building community


Football Fans: Don’t Worry! Fr. Danny will be providing

updates on the big game throughout the evening!


Knights of Columbus Fall Breakfast

Sunday, September 17 | After BOTH Masses

All are welcome to join the Knights of Columbus for a delicious Fall Breakfast in the Holy Family Center!


The Rescue Project


Learn more with the link below:


Blessing of the New
Garden of 

Tuesday, September 12 | After 7:00 PM Mass

Thanks to the faithful vision and efforts of parishioners and staff, our parish is blessed with a new Garden of Remembrance in front of the church! The statue of Our Lady of Consolation has become the new focal point of this space dedicated to the sanctity of life. 

Please join us next week after the 7:00 PM Mass for the blessing by Father Dominic. 


Sunday, September 10 | 12:00 – 3:00 PM


Double Match Saturday
September 9 | Rockford Meijer

Purchase a $10 Simply Give card on “Double Match Day” and Meijer will donate $30 to North Kent Connect.

North Kent Connect has seen a 40% increase in families using the pantry this year. The Meijer Simply Give program helps to fill it with things like fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheese, as well as infant formula, food, diapers, and wipes. Your $10 Simply Give card purchase will ensure that families have fresh options available.


Michigan March for Life


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