NKC Pantry Needs

North Kent Connect Food Pantry is in need of your support! Please consider dropping off donations at OLC (baskets are located at all church exits) or bring your donation directly to NKC.

Greatest Needs:


Canned Fruit



Parish Gala

Check out our NEW Promo Video!


Family Week VBS | The Eucharist

August 7-10, 2023 | 6:00-8:00 PM

Our Family Week VBS returns the first week of August! All families of the parish are invited to join us for as many days as you’d like. 

As part of the National Eucharistic Revival, our theme this year is the Eucharist: The Communion, The Sacrifice, The Real Presence. Each night, families will begin with dinner and move into engaging family activities, crafts, prayer, and more all revolving around the Eucharist.

The cost is $10 a day per family. Please register by clicking below! 

If you have any questions, please contact the Faith Formation Office at 616-866-2577 or olcformation@olcparish.net. 


Altar Server Training

Wednesday, August 30
10:00 AM OR 6:30 PM

Are you interested in becoming an Altar Server? Answer God’s call and join us for Altar Server Training on Wednesday, August 30! Anyone 4th grade and up is encouraged to attend. Any Altar Servers who need a refresher are welcome to join. Contact Stephanie Vyn for more information: altarserving@olcparish.net


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