What is it?
Simply put, an experience of the gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer.
The Rescue Project seeks to proclaim the gospel in a compelling and attractive way over eight weeks in a small group format. This experience is imbued with beauty, authentic humanity, and accompaniment.
The Rescue Project answers 4 main questions –
Why is there something rather than nothing? (Created)
Why is everything so messed up? (Captured)
What, if anything, has God done about it? (Rescued)
And if God has done anything, how should I respond? (Respond)
Why Rescue?
We passionately believe that the most urgent task is the compelling proclamation of the gospel, one that not only shares it in an attractive – and concentrated – way, but that also offers people a way of seeing reality, and of making sense of the world, history, and life that is vastly different from the story our modern culture tells.
Until this happens, the Christian faith is often experienced as a mere set of rules and disciplines, and simply going to Church isn’t likely to lead a person to embark on the great adventure that is following Jesus and continuing His mission of the rescuing of this world.
We don’t think most people have ever heard the gospel.