TONIGHT! Penance Service | 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Sunday, March 19 | After Both Masses
Knights of Columbus Food Drive
Grab your bag this donation bag this weekend, and drop it off next weekend!
March 22, 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Located at the public sidewalk in front of Heritage Clinic: 320 Fulton St E Grand Rapids, MI
Instructions for online registration:
1. Visit 2. Click “Log In / Sign Up” box. 3. Click “Sign Up for Vigil Hours” box. 4. Click on the day you want to pray at the peaceful vigil. 5. Click on the hour you want to pray. 6. Click “Submit Hours” box. All done!
March 24 | 5:00-7:00 PM $15 Adults | $7 Kids
The Knights of Columbus invite you to their first Fish Fry of Lent! They will be serving: Walleye, Mac N Cheese, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, and Dinner Rolls. Apple Pie for dessert while supplies last.
(Gluten Free fish is NOT available this year)
If you have already turned in your CSA pledge card, thank you! We are currently at 10% of our assessment and 1% participation.
If you haven’t had the chance yet, please return your CSA pledge card this week to the parish office or make your pledge online at
Every gift, regardless of the amount, is important in this effort.
Through the CSA, we all work together to care for the Church by sharing the gifts God has granted us. Please join us in this important and prayerfully consider how sharing your gifts will benefit many – in our parish and beyond. Learn more at
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