Lazarus & Finance Council

Lazarus Ministry

Have you heard of the Lazarus Ministry and wondered, ‘What is that?” This important ministry is comprised of dedicated parishioners who are called upon to help provide funeral luncheons in our parish.

There are approximately 140 parish volunteers on the call lists to assist in one or more of the many tasks needed to provide a comfortable environment and meal after a funeral Mass: delivering a salad or dessert, food preparation, table set up, service during the luncheon, and clean up afterward. While the majority of our volunteers are on the list to provide a salad or dessert, approximately 40 are workers on one of four rotating “teams” that do the advanced preparation, food service, and clean-up. Each team is organized by a Lazarus Ministry coordinator and rotates monthly.

The Lazarus Ministry, which does not have meetings, is always looking for and WELCOMING additional members. If you would like to be involved with a great group of men and women in a compassionate, empathetic and social ministry, please visit us on Sunday February 11 in the Holy Family Center during Coffee and Donuts or call: Pat Rehkopf (616-485-0787), Shawn Marks (989-430-0715), Dianne DiCosola (616-350-3059, or Nan Maczka (616-581-4866).


Finance Council

The Finance Council members bring their expertise into the service of parish property and managing revenues to review finances, formulate the parish/school budget and plan capital needs.

Finance Council consults with the Pastor and discerns how the parish can best meet the financial and material needs of the parish. The “General Operating” fund for operational expenses, including wages, is funded largely from Sunday giving. The “Facilities and Growth” fund is used for debt reduction on our buildings and major improvements.

Finance Council duties include developing the parish budget, overseeing spending in accordance with it, advising the Pastor on parish spending, and overseeing the annual appeal for the offertory collection.


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