Make sure you read through this entire message!
(Hint: there is a sweet surprise at the end)


Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training

Saturday, August 26 | 2:00 PM

This training is required for new people wishing to serve as Communion Ministers at Mass. You must be a confirmed Catholic in good standing and at least 18 years old. Veteran ministers are welcome to attend if you want a refresher or have questions. Contact Deacon Jim Hessler:


Parish Gala

Check out this year’s promo video!


Double Match Day

Saturday, August 12 | Rockford Meijer

Purchase a $10 Simply Give card on “Double Match Day” and Meijer will donate $30 to North Kent Connect.

North Kent Connect has seen a 40% increase in families using the pantry this year. The Meijer Simply Give program helps to fill it with things like fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheese, as well as infant formula, food, diapers, and wipes. Your $10 Simply Give card purchase will ensure that families have fresh options available.


Knights of Columbus Picnic

Wednesday, August 16 | 6:00 PM
Rogue River Park

All are welcome to join! The Knights will be cooking burgers and hot dogs. This is a great way for anyone interested in the knights to come out and see what we are about- all we ask is a dish to pass.


Rosary Rally

Saturday, August 19 | 9:30 AM

The next KEPHA Public Rosary for Our Nation is Saturday, August 19th on the Secchia Plaza in front of St. Andrews Cathedral.


Books Replenished!

Additional copies of This Is My Body by Bishop Robert Barron and The Rocking Chair Prophet by Matthew Kelly have arrived. Please grab one in the Narthex after Masses this weekend.


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