Medical Supply Closet

What is our Medical Supply Closet? This is a room In the Kateri Lodge that houses many different medical devices. If you or someone you know needs medical equipment due an injury, illness or for after a surgery, this ministry may be able to help supply you with the medical equipment that is required to get you on the road to recovery. We keep numerous types of medical equipment for use by individuals for as long as is needed. The types of equipment we do have in the closet include walkers, canes, crutches, shower chairs, bed side commodes, and commodes to place over a toilet

If you have medical equipment that you would like to donate, we will gladly add it to our supply closet if it is something that we are able to use. There are a couple items that we are currently without in our closet that we need in the event someone requires them. These items are wheelchairs and knee scooters.

If you or someone you know needs equipment or has some to donate, please call me.  I will be able to let you know if we have the equipment you require or if we can accept your donation.  Once it is known if we have the equipment you require or if it is something that is needed, items are dropped off or picked up in the entry to the Kateri Lodge. 

God Bless,

 Mary Dater

