November 29, 2022
Dear Parishioners,
This past Thanksgiving week our parish received some very exciting news! Two OLC Parishioners generously came forward with a plan to pay off our remaining debt that we are currently paying back to the Diocese from our Rooted in Christ Capital Building Campaign. Our debt on the Campaign currently amounts to approximately $228,000.
For those that are new to the Parish, the Rooted in Christ, Growing to Serve Capital Building Campaign was completed in 2019 with a total investment in our facilities of approximately $4.2 million. The project paid for a new rectory, 6 new school classrooms, a new parking lot, along with various other facility updates.
Their proposal calls for a matching funds concept, where they will match dollar for dollar any contributions brought in by the OLC community allocated towards the Campaign debt.. This opportunity expires at the end of the calendar year on December 31, 2022. In order to finalize the match by year end, we must have all contributions by December 27, 2022 at 4:00 PM.
I am asking all parishioners to prayerfully consider contributing to this match program. As a fairly new pastor to Our Lady of Consolation, it is one of my goals to ensure the parish is once again debt free, and I am grateful for this generous opportunity.
Those who are able to contribute can do so in the following ways:
(1) Place a contribution in the Sunday collection basket.
(2) Utilize the RIC Debt tab on the online giving Vanco page
(3) Drop off cash or a check at the Parish office. Parish Office hours are from 9:00-4:00.
Please put RIC Debt in the memo line of checks or on the envelope of a cash donation.
Thank you for prayerfully discerning your participation in this match program and thank you for your continued support of Our Lady of Consolation.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Fr. Dominic Couturier