Lent 2025

The season of Lent calls us to seek a more intimate relationship with our Lord through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We pray that you will find those opportunities to help you as we embark together these forty days on the spiritual journey with Christ.

Anyone who wishes to come after me must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23)

Opportunities for Prayer


Our Lenten Alms this year will be coordinated by the new Culture of Life Ministry. We will be supporting a different organization each week, so please check out the bulletin each week for a list of needs specific to their mission. If you prefer to donate financially, you will find almsgiving envelopes on the wooden donation boxes in the Narthex.

The organizations and who they serve are:

  • Magnify of Central Florida/Bishop Grady Villas Serving those with disabilities
  • Kairos Outside Serving women whose loved ones are in prison
  • Senior Intervention Group Serving senior citizens in Seminole County
  • Samaritan Resource Center Serving the unhoused in East Orlando
  • Safe House of Seminole County Serving victims of domestic violence