In this message:

January 7, 2024

January 8, 2024

January 8, 2024

January 11, 2024

January 14, 2024

January 18, 2024

Epiphany of Our Lord

Born Again Catholic

Rosary Recycling Program

School Open House

Hoop It Up Free Throw Contest

Parenting Series


Epiphany of Our Lord

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Epiphany tradition is for families to bless their homes, remembering the hospitality of the Holy Family to the Wise Men and asking for protection and blessing on the home and all who enter. Home blessing kits are available after all Masses this weekend that include blessed chalk and instructions.

Please take ONE per household.


Born Again Catholic

Mondays, 6:30 PM | Classroom #309

Beginning January 8, 2024

All are welcome to join Deacon Jim Hessler as we dive into the book Born Fundamentalist- Born Again Catholic. This course will deal with common misunderstandings of Catholicism and how to better explain the faith to non-Catholics. Email Deacon Jim with RSVP at


Rosary Recycling Program


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